Welcome to YSOTD.COM, here you will find songs in the rock, easy listening, hard rock, heavy metal, and just too many genres to list. These are all songs that rock in their own way. Please feel free to listen to the music, and make a comment using the comment section. You can play previous or next days accordingly by clicking the available buttons located just above the video. We want to thank you for your visit to this site, and we hope you help make this one of the best daily song sites on the web!

Your Sont Of The Day!

Previous Days

2018-12-07 Highly Suspect - Little One
2018-12-06 Thrice - Black Honey
2016-11-07 Highly Suspect - My Name is Human
2016-11-06 Foo Fighters - Let It Die
2016-11-01 Eve To Adam - Immortal